
17 Nov

Ok, I know you all think we are nuts for having SO MANY pets. Well I found another dog, this time laying in our street. I SWEAR! haha. The kids and I were coming home late one night and stopped at the stop sign, there he was. Laying in the street. My neighbors were out on their front porch, the animal lover instincts in me kicked in. I jumped out of my car and tried to lure him into the truck. He ran. Elle wanted me to get him, so we pulled into the garage, I went and grabbed some cheese. Got the kids out of the car, walked down the sidewalk whistling, hooting and hollering! He only came so close, plus, not knowing this dog I did not want the kids too close. Elle tried running after him, I yelled at her. Who knows, this dog could have been deadly! He could have seriously bitten her or Ivan. So I was throwing cheese far, then closer and closer trying to get in arms length to catch him. Well no luck, we were out there for a while trying.

The kids and I went inside, Patrick came home and said there was a black and white dog in our garage. I told him the kids and I had tried catching him and we had no luck. Well, then Patrick tried, he was out there a while. Soon enough, a couple cars pull into the driveway and a strange couple are with Patrick. The dog was in the guys truck up against the passenger side window, scared to wits end! We got a leash over his neck to get him out of the car. We bribed him with ham. We asked him to ‘sit’ and he did! I went to grab Art’s cage and pulled it into the garage so this dog had a place to sleep. I did not want the dog inside my house. The last dogs I found had TICKS! Crazy ass people!

So I posted ‘found’ signs on local websites, waited for someone to call. NO CALLS! NOTHING, no ‘LOST’ postings either. What the heck people, don’t get animals if you can’t AFFORD THEM!! Lose your house, find them a home or take them to the shelter, would you ABANDON YOUR KIDS?? NO!

So, I took ‘Wendell’ to the vet to see if he was micro chipped. He was not, he looked to me like an older dog. He still had his man parts! Strange! So I waited again for a couple more days, no calls or emails. Ok, so now I decided to keep him! He reminded me so much of a dog I had in college ‘Brit’! I loved that dog to death, even brought him down here when I moved! He was my babe. So with putting Jerome down, I felt Brit had either been reincarnated or had sent ‘Wendell’ to me! I know strange, but I believe in the weird stuff.

Wendell is ours, I got him neutered, updated on shots and he is a HEALTHY boy! Meet Wendell Espy!

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Posted by on November 17, 2010 in Family


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